Stories of Advent – Deb

by NightShift

Caring for one another

Since NightShift Street Ministries began on a cold winter’s night 19 years ago, God has used the hearts and hands of thousands of people to reach out to friends in need on the street.

Each person in NightShift’s family of support comes with their own story, and their own compelling reason of “why” they stepped into supporting outreach to people in our communities experiencing homelessness, poverty, addiction and mental illness.

I want to introduce you to just one of NightShift’s wonderful supporters. Deb Ewanchuk has been volunteering with our Thursday night outreach team in Surrey, and giving to NightShift for more than 10 years.

Deb remembers reading the newspaper one morning over a decade ago, when she came across an article about NightShift’s outreach ministry. Deb felt a call in heart to get involved. As she puts it “I knew it was meant to be.”

Deb’s decision to give to others comes from a personal place. As a stage 3 cancer survivor, she understands how important it is to feel loved and cared for when we are at our most vulnerable. Deb knew she wanted to wanted to share the kindness she had been shown by the hands that helped her.

She knew NightShift was the right opportunity for her to give back. And as it turned out, Deb already knew NightShift’s Thursday night outreach leaders in Surrey! “I went out to an evening meal one night to see what outreach was all about. I knew the outreach leaders, Sue and her husband Greg, so it was a really great experience for me… and they told me they were praying for me.”

From that first night, Deb has attended almost every Thursday night outreach, helping prepare and serve a hot meal, and making caring connections with our friends on the street. In addition to volunteering, Deb also supports NightShift as a donor.

“It gets in your heart, and you just feel compelled to be here,” Deb says, beaming. “I know we are helping out, but I just get so much back from the people I meet – the nicest people!”

This Christmas season, will you support sharing a hot meal, 365 nights a year, along with clothing and blankets, nursing and counselling care, daytime drop-in centre, and access to vital resources?

Because of people like Deb, and people like you, NightShift can continue sharing unconditional love, hope and purpose, this Christmas and beyond.

I am grateful to Deb for her willingness to share her story, for her kindness, and of course for her faithful service to caring for our community in need.

To Deb, and all of NightShift’s volunteers and donors, you truly are a blessing.
MaryAnne Connor (Mac), Rev., RPC

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Join NightShift as we celebrate the season of Advent on our social media platforms and Advent page on our website. Each day you’ll get a “window” into the life of our ministry. And we’ll be sharing stories of hope with you throughout December!

About the Author


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