Volunteer with NightShift

We’d love to welcome you to our volunteer team. There are lots of opportunities to get involved in NightShift’s street ministry and outreach programs. If you could help for a few hours each week or even once a month, during the day in our facility or in the evening on the street, we would love to hear from you.
NightShift relies on volunteer support to cook and serve meals, sort and give out clothes, share conversation, drive our ministry vehicles, take shifts to provide nursing or counselling on the Mobile Outreach Unit (MOU), lend a hand in the warehouse, provide administrative support, help organize fundraising events, and pray for our community.
Sign up now to get involved!
Volunteer Introduction
Are you curious about how to get involved with NightShift? Then we invite you to join a Volunteer Introduction Night.
These evening sessions (6:30-8:15 pm) take place at our location in Surrey. You will have the opportunity to learn what NightShift is all about, take a tour of our facilities and find out how you fit in. It’s the starting point for volunteers to become badged and ready to serve in a variety of roles with NightShift. Please submit your Volunteer Enquiry to kick things off!
Group Sessions
If you are representing a group that would like to serve together, head on over to our group volunteering page to find out we can work together.
FORGE Training Course
Looking to take your service and leadership to the next level? Committed to volunteering at NightShift or elsewhere? Then our FORGE course is for you! FORGE will equip you to serve and lead well. It’s a foundation to help you to understand some of the issues of street life and poverty, and build on that with good communication, compassion and teamwork.
We have moved to a multi-day online format which we will host twice a year in 2024 (Apr-Jun and Oct-Nov). Curious? Watch our video and find out how to register!
Taste of Heaven Food Truck Catering
Looking for a mobile, fun and unique way to serve and share love in your community this year? Our Taste of Heaven food truck participates in events in the community, providing catering services. Let us know if you have daytime availability to serve our gourmet sausages at an event in the neighbourhood!
Don’t forget to join our mailing list for updates of future programs.