NightShift 2010
by NightShift
Posted on February 22, 2024
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NightShift loved being in our first building space on City Parkway. It was a great location and our street friends knew where we were. But after a few years, we had to start looking for a new home. Our rented space was crumbling. There was mold, and the leaking roof meant we had to place buckets on the floor to catch the rainwater that would seep through. The ministry needed a building that was functional and safe.
Our team began searching for a new space and thinking of ways NightShift could raise funds to afford the move. In our search, we knew it would be challenging to find a fit for our important criteria: NightShift needed to be close enough to our original building that the people we served would still be able to access our services on foot. We needed a place with a kitchen, warehouse and office space, and an outdoor space that allow us to serve a meal outside every night of the year. Our diligent search (and prayers!) soon paid off. We found a perfect fit, at 10635 King George Highway (now Boulevard!), which had been home to an old audio store that was moving. The space needed some renos and some TLC, but we knew it was the right place for NightShift.
That same year, we hosted our annual Gala fundraiser, themed Mission Possible. We knew exactly what we were fundraising for – the cost of our move and necessary renovations in the new building. Through the Gala, NightShift’s network of support, mostly from the home building industry, and our incredible volunteers, we did it! NightShift able to move into our new building and complete the necessary upgrades to turn the office and outreach space into what it is today.
By 2010, thanks to many helping hands, our move happened. After countless hours of labour, renovations and general sprucing up, NightShift could call this new building our home.
Our current home includes staff office spaces, counselling rooms, a warehouse for outreach supplies, a kitchen for prepping nightly hot meals, and a big room that has a become a community hub, hosting our Welcome Centre drop-in, Movie Night, Bible Study, health clinics, emergency overnight shelter, holiday dinners, RE/ACT recovery program and more.
We welcome you to come and visit the NightShift team! We’d love to have you over for coffee, show you around and entice you into volunteering with us (if you’re not already!). Contact