Want to hang out with us?
by NightShift
Posted on March 31, 2011
If you’ve ever wondered what we get up to with our volunteers, we’re going to let you into a little secret… While we work for a very serious cause, we’re doing so with a lightness of heart and a lot of smiles and fun. Ask any of our volunteers (like the PLBC student volunteer pictured above): coming alongside NightShift to serve the people in need in our community is rewarding in itself. To be able to reach out and engage with people less fortunate, living in poverty and perhaps without a permanent address, can be a very moving experience. To share a few words, a smile and companionship, along with a hot meal, clean clothes, blankets and basic hygiene essentials warms the heart of everyone involved. When we open our hearts to helping others who are exactly like you and me, but who happen to find themselves in a different place as life’s circumstances have set them apart, we become aware that we are all God’s children and a deeper level of understanding flows through us. NightShift is nothing without our volunteers and we invite you to spend some time with us to find out why. We hold regular Information Nights on the second Friday of every month at 6 pm – join us?