Posts Tagged:Care Village

Recovery Ride 2012 – Day Five: camaraderie

by NightShift

Whitecourt Church sent us off with full bellies and prayers! I climbed on the bike of one of their congregants. I admit I was more than nervous with travelling down the highway open to the elements, bugs and hefty semi-trucks! As Freedom Biker Church is creating a two-hour documentary, a helicopter followed us for a…

Recovery Ride 2012 – Day Four: an interlude of friends

by NightShift

Lord, You own the cattle on a thousand hills. We claim a few to provide for our needs at the Care Cottage and Care Village… It was hard for us to leave behind this very special place after only such a short time, but our journey on Tuesday morning beckoned. Thank you, Pastor Steve, for…

Recovery Ride 2012 – Day Three: a place of healing

by NightShift

As we travelled the Hudson’s Hope Route for Fort St. John on Monday, we were awestruck once again with God’s brushstrokes on His incredible painting. We arrived at SCARS, Wagner Hills Farm’s northern recovery home, late in the afternoon. I hope we encouraged and inspired them as much as they did us. One of our…

Recovery Ride 2012 – Day Two: of Princes and Majesty

by NightShift

We were out of cell and internet range for much of Sunday, so this update is just a brief one to share some of the images from Day Two. Having spent precious time in Prince George with so many wonderful people, we ended the day in the majesty of the Peace River mountains at Mackenzie…

A place for all people, a village of care

by NightShift

Monday 3rd October marks the first day of voting for this truly visionary project. NightShift is planing to build ‘a village of retreat, recovery and reintegration’. The Care Village is a safe haven for people seeking restoration. By enabling individuals to rediscover purpose and unconditional love – by supporting them with counselling, life/work skills education and all-round care – the village of care will foster…