NightShift 2018

by NightShift

  • Posted on December 27, 2024

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  • Homelessness

In 2018, NightShift partnered with RE/ACT (Recovery and Education from Addictions and Complex Trauma), to bring “something more” to our community members looking to go deeper on their healing journey.

The RE/ACT program operates in NightShift’s Education Room weekdays, and its facilitators are dedicated to seeing people find freedom from brokenness and addictions, by addressing and working through deep rooted trauma from the past and helping people shed shame and learn to love themselves.

Founded in Winnipeg by Tim Fletcher under Finding Freedom Society, the RE/ACT Centre in Surrey has seen nearly 200 people come through its doors at NightShift. RE/ACT is an in-person, 12-week program running five mornings a week. Lunch is served daily from the NightShift kitchen, and the program is abstinence-based and free of charge.

“It’s the soul wounds that are most often experienced in childhood that require us to see and hear our inner child,” shares RE/ACT Centre Surrey Director, Wendy Fuller. “People are exhausted when they’re doing the program, but what they gain is freedom from a shame identity, and entrance into their true selves. I’ve seen kids get healthy parents back, families/relationships restored.”

The program does a “deep dive” into the aspects and impacts of complex trauma on an individual’s life, which often leads to addiction, mental unwellness and spiritual brokenness. The RE/ACT program helps each client access healing through classroom work, art program, group discussion and one-on-one coaching.

“Since the day RE/ACT moved into the NightShift building, we have seen lives changed and hearts healed through gentleness, kindness and informative classes,” shares Wendy. “We feel so blessed to have partnered with NightShift for the last five years, and we look forward to the many years to come.”

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