NightShift 2006
by NightShift
Posted on February 8, 2024
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In 2006, NightShift moved into its first official office and outreach space at 10753 City Parkway. The building needed some sprucing up, and among the many helping hands was our dear friend from the street, Denis, who rolled up his sleeves and helped paint the exterior.
NightShift had previously been serving from Bentley Field, but as our ministry grew, and more volunteers joined the effort to serve a hot meal every night, the need for a central space became apparent. The move to a new location presented itself with a vacant building in the neighbourhood, and within a few days, a wonderful team came together to plan and implement, gather material and monetary donations.
As the weeks went by our challenges became greater, with unforeseen building needs and unanticipated surprises that required finances NightShift didn’t have. Yet we moved forward, persevering in faith. Even when the budget threatened to undo the move, God continued to provide for NightShift’s needs through the amazing helping hands in the community. Denis was among them.
At the time, Denis lived on the streets, and became one of NightShift’s dearest friends. When he heard of our financial plight, he set his own goal: to pick up pennies discarded on the streets and donate every one of them to NightShift. When Denis came in to the office with a jarful of pennies, MaryAnne cried. “Every little bit helps,” he repeated the words back to her that she had said so many times. How precious is this to our Father? Like the poor widow in Luke 21:2 – Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “I tell you truth,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
Denis’ jar contained $9.91, and that money helped. It wasn’t just about the monetary value of the jar, it was about the heart behind it. “Denis was part of the community surrounding NightShift that believed in what we were doing,” MaryAnne remembers. “That community was the “secret sauce” that propelled us forward.”