COVID-19 – February 2022 Update

by NightShift

  • Posted on February 17, 2022

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  • Homelessness

Message for NightShift volunteers in Surrey and Langley, BC:

During the past two years, we have issued a number of updates with changes to our outreach procedures, in accordance with Public Health Orders and the BC Centre for Disease Control. Thank you for responding and adhering to the restrictions that are placed on us all. Following the latest announcements from BC health authorities, we have updated our COVID-19 guidelines with immediate effect (17 Feb 2022) to ease some of the previous restrictions in line with PHO.

Our nightly outreach services have continued throughout the pandemic, and we have steadily re-opened and even expanded the programs that are so important to the people we serve. Thanks to the continued dedicated service of our volunteers, ongoing support to provide a hot, nightly meal, care kits, blankets and a change of clothing during the frigid temperatures, access to basic health care, and so much more has been astounding. We can’t thank you enough.

Our current serving protocols are summarized below:

NightShift Outdoor Serving – updated 17 Feb 2022

  • Volunteers who serve regularly must be badged.
  • Return to one-time visit policy. Subsequent visits require potential volunteers to pursue “badging” (attending orientation and completing paperwork). Our orientations for new volunteers are continuing in an online format for the time being.
  • Visiting groups must apply via NightShift Outreach Managers.
  • In accordance with PHO guidelines, masks are required inside and are recommended outside.
  • Please be conscious of physical distancing; no physical contact with our guests (such as high fives, handshakes, hugs, or hand-holding).
  • It is imperative volunteers stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or not feeling well, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Practice good hand hygiene.
  • Clean and disinfect surface and objects regularly.
  • No restrictions on team size as determined by individual Outreach Leaders.
  • Volunteer roles include: driver, outreach serving trailer, dessert table, coffee/drinks table, clothing distribution, prayer requests, inside clean-up.
  • Return to plating food onboard the serving trailer.
  • All desserts to be wrapped or bagged in sleeves, and served from a table.
  • Coffee/drinks to be served from a table, no refills in the same cup.
  • Prayer requests continue, being mindful of physical distancing.
  • Closing prayer circle continues, being mindful of physical distancing, no hand holding/touching.
  • Clothing distributed from truck (to avoid clustering around the door) on odd-numbered nights of the month.
  • No restrictions on team size as determined by individual Outreach Leaders.
  • Volunteer roles include: TOH driver, food truck servers, dessert table, coffee/drinks table, outreach support from the MOU (Mondays), prayer requests.
  • Continue plating food onboard the TOH food truck.
  • Running water, soap, hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes available on the TOH food truck. (Handwashing sinks also available inside Vineyard Church.)
  • All desserts to be wrapped or bagged in sleeves, and served from a table.
  • Coffee/drinks to be served from a table, no refills in the same cup.
  • Prayer requests continue, being mindful of physical distancing.
  • Closing prayer circle continues, being mindful of physical distancing, no hand holding/touching.
  • Clothing/care kits distributed from Mobile Outreach Unit (MOU) in Langley on Mondays.

Thank you, volunteers, for so faithfully serving our friends experiencing homelessness, addiction, poverty and mental illness. Your commitment to share a hot meal, outreach services and love, hope and purpose to people in need is inspiring, and essential.

Keep up the great work! If you have any questions about phase one, please connect with with us.

In Hope,

MaryAnne Connor (Mac), Rev., RPC
NightShift Street Ministries

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