Bringing Christmas to the streets

by NightShift

Care Bus

As many of you already know, our mobile care program serves in the heart of Whalley in the form of the Care Bus. Every week we offer nursing and counselling services to street friends at no charge, and we are always looking for new ways to engage with people in need. That’s why we were thrilled to launch a mobile library earlier this year. The service, which currently operates every other Tuesday, has been a great opportunity to connect through novels and to hear the personal stories of many of our street friends.

“Being part of the Care Bus library has been a great experience for me. It has allowed me to bless the less fortunate in our community with one of my most favourite things – books! I have met people who are also book lovers, and seeing the smiles and excitement on their faces when they carry tons of books for sign-out is just wonderful. I’m blessed to be able to provide the kind of “food” that nourishes the mind, heart, and soul, which, I believe, need as much attention as the body.” – Care Bus Volunteer

Whether our volunteers take time to sit quietly with people in need, listen to stories filled with brokenness or carefully bandage an open sore – connection and care are the cornerstones of our outreach program. This Christmas, with the goal of connection and care in mind, our volunteers are collecting gifts to support those who are unable to afford them for the children in their lives. On December 17th, street friends and volunteers alike will be surrounded by ribbons, wrapping paper and toys as they work to wrap beautiful gifts to hand out later in the evening. We are bursting with anticipation to bring everyone together and help carry the blessing forward. We hope that this simple gesture will allow parents on the street a chance to reconnect and deepen their relationships with their kids. Street friends are signing up and we need your help!    Please consider donating age-appropriate toys for boys and girls ages 0-2, 3-6, 7-10 or 11-18 that are in good condition. Donations are being accepted at NightShift’s office. Please contact Leah Baugh if you have any further questions. Other needs for the Care Bus include supplement drinks such as Boost or Ensure, vitamins and books.Care Bus volunteers

If you are unable to give a donation of toys, perhaps you will consider volunteering for the Care Bus? Volunteer positions include driving or hosting for the Care Bus, nursing, counselling and library services. This link will take you to our volunteer training dates in the New Year.

Blessings, Leah

About the Author
